Published 24/06/2022 Reading time: 9 min
Are you a keen angler? Find out about the best fishing spots appreciated by anglers in Normandy. The département, or county, of Eure, with 1,300km of rivers and waterways, is perfect for practising recreational or sport fishing in the midst of extensive unspoilt countryside. Along the valleys of the Eure, Risle, Iton and Seine Rivers, you can also make the most of many lakes, for a day’s or a weekend’s angling break in Normandy.
The best spots for fishing

The Iton River’s catchment area extends from Bourth to Acquigny, going via Evreux. Crucian carp and carnivorous fish are to be found in much greater number upstream (Category 2). After Conches-en-Ouche, or, more precisely, Glisolles, the Iton becomes a Category 1 river where salmonidae (trout and common char) are to be found. On the latter section, fly- and lure-fishing give good results.
The Risle Valley provides many possibilities for trout and carp fishing in fast-flowing waters. The Risle attracts many good-sized brown trout that can be caught fly- or lure-fishing.
The Charentonne can be described as a mid-sized river. It crosses the towns of Montreuil-l’Argillé and Bernay to join the Risle River at Serquigny. If you’re keen on angling in the heart of nature, then the Charentonne River provides perfect spots to go fishing for trout and carp in fast-flowing waters in the county of Eure. Given the varying flow of the Charentonne’s waters at different points, it’s possible to try your hand at a range of techniques along it, using natural bait, flies, lures and more.
The Eure Valley is perfect for carp fishing, still fishing and carnivorous fish angling, up to its confluence with the Seine at Louviers. Along the river, there are alternating stretches of slow waters, deep waters and fast-flowing waters, encouraging a good variety of species (barbel, carp, chub, pike, etc). Downstream of Louviers, the river waters tend to be more lentic (slow) and deep.

The Seine Valley has many spots for fishing, be it along its banks, aboard a motor boat or then aboard a simple punt on the stretches of river open to the public (le domaine public fluvial). Various possibilities for launching onto the water are accessible at Alizay, Poses, Andé, Les Andelys and Vernon (note that access and parking are subject to certain conditions). All the stretches of the Seine designated as open to the public are classified as suitable for night fishing for carp. Still fishing and predator fishing are also widely practised.
The Andelle is a trout-fishing river long reputed for brown trout. It divides into several branches that flow at different rates, some of the waters running amidst extensive wetlands where ranunculus and marsh water starwort thrive. This river is perfect for dry fly fishing, especially from May. The fly-fishing spot at Radepont is one of the most highly regarded in the Eure.
The Avre River is divided into two sections displaying quite different characteristics. Downstream of Verneuil sur Avre, the river widens and the volume of water increases. This part is favourable for brown trout and common char and good for fly fishing, with natural bait or lures. Pike and calm water cyprinids (so, of the carp family) can also be caught on the river.
The Epte is a river that’s deep in quite a few spots, but along which the flow of water varies considerably. It’s good for fishing for cyprinids suited to fast-flowing waters and predators. Brown trout can be caught upstream above all, with some good-sized fish to be found.
Specific angling sites in the Eure
The Eure has many sites for fresh-water fishing that are worth seeking out. The county’s fish farms welcome anglers to lakes of various sizes. Scattered along the Eure’s valleys, these fish farms are mainly dedicated to rainbow, brown and brook trout. Certain places to consider for going fishing for a day or across a weekend include: the Pêcherie des Fontaines in Hondouville; the Pisciculture de Bernay; the Pisciculture de Fontaine sous Jouy; the Pisciculture de la Calonne in Asnières; the Pisciculture de l’Eure in Acquigny; the Pisciculture d’Acquigny; the Salmoniculture (salmon farm) de la Lieure in Menesqueville; and the Salmoniculture de l’Andelle in Perruelle sur Andelle.

The Eure’s rivers and lakes are remarkable for the variety they offer, allowing anglers to practise all kinds of techniques. As a result, you might follow specific angling courses or trails around the county that put to the fore specific types of angling and fish.
Fly-fishing courses or trails: the Eure’s diversity of rivers and brooks allows for plenty of fly fishing or nymph fishing. Eight courses are specifically geared to enjoying such fishing in the Eure. On the Risle, the fly-fishing courses (all no kill, or catch and release) are located in Neaufles-Auvergny, Launay, Nassandres, Appeville-Annebault and Corneville-sur-Risle. On further waterways around the Eure, this type of fishing can be enjoyed at Ferrières-Saint-Hilaire (on the Charentonne) near Broglie, at Radepont (on the Andelle) near Charleval, and at La-Bonneville-sur-Iton (on the Iton) near Evreux.
Night fishing for carp: fishers of carp will love coming on a break and fishing by night in the Eure. On our rivers, the following relevant courses are listed: our whole stretch of the Seine is classified for night fishing for carp (along 63km), as is the Eure River downstream of Louviers up to its confluence with the Seine (along 24km). A number of Eure lakes also offer the possibility of night fishing for carp: the Etang d’Igoville (27 hectares, AAPPMA de la Carpe de Pont de l’Arche); the series of lakes called the Etangs de Pont-Audemer (77 hectares, AAPPMA des Pêcheurs de la Risle); the Etangs de La-Croix-Saint-Leuffroy (3 hectares, AAPPMA de la Truite de l’Iton); the Etang Jean Paradis (9.5 hectares, AAPPMA de la Seine et ses poissons); the Etang de Nassandres-sur-Risle (10 hectares, AAPPMA la Gauloise de Beaumont); and the Etang de Gisors (5.5 hectares, AAPPMA la Truite Gisorsienne). If you love carp fishing, then give it a go in the Eure!
Fishing on a float tube allows anglers to enjoy predator fishing from a small individual inflatable craft. This technique is growing fast in popularity, particularly among younger anglers. Several stretches of water are suitable for this practice in the Eure: the stretch of the Eure River downstream of Louviers (3km stretch, AAPPMA les pêcheurs à la ligne de Louviers); the Etang d’Igoville (10 hectares, AAPPMA de la Carpe de Pont de l’Arche); the Etang de Gisors (2 hectares, AAPPMA la Truite Gisorsienne); the Lac des Deux Amants (437 hectares, la Carpe Posienne); and the Etangs de la Croix Saint Leufroy (4.2 hectares, la Truite de l’Iton).
Accreditation putting to the fore the quality of specific fishing sites

The Eure’s fishing federation, the FDAAPPMA 27, works towards the general enhancement of fishing courses across the county, putting in measures for people with reduced mobility, providing information, encouraging improvements to lakes, etc. Among the county’s fishing courses, certain stretches have been awarded specific accreditation, enabling improved angling opportunities as well as promoting high-quality fishing.
So, the county’s fishing federation oversees general improvements to the county’s network of fishing courses while putting to the fore certain particularly interesting angling and tourist fishing courses.
In the Eure, there are two types of accredited courses corresponding to two types of angling:
- : angling for people wishing to enjoy relaxing, recreational and friendly family fishing or fishing as a group. There are, at time of writing, two accredited family courses in the Eure: the Plan d’Eau des Deux Amants (AAPPMA la Carpe Posienne); and the Risle at Rugles (AAPPMA l’Entente Risloise).
- : covering angling for seasoned fishers and specialist fishing, or then fishing in remarkable sites. There are five such accredited fishing courses across the Eure at time of writing: the float tube course on the Eure River (AAPPMA les pêcheurs à la ligne de Louviers); the Etang d’Igoville (AAPPMA la Carpe de Pont de l’Arche); the fly-fishing course at Radepont sur l’Andelle (AAPPMA la Mouche Charlevalaise); the float tube course at the Etang de Launay (AAPPMA la Gauloise de Beaumont); and the Etangs de Nassandres sur Risle (AAPPMA la Gauloise de Beaumont).
Accredited angling accommodation catering to fishing tourists:

The Eure’s county fishing federation has accredited a number of places as ‘‘hébergements pêche’’ (angling accommodation) meeting criteria defined by the Fédération Nationale de la Pêche en France. Such accredited accommodation providers guarantee a special welcome for anglers and make fishing that much easier for guests.
Finding suitable accommodation often plays a major role for anglers wishing to enjoy a fishing trip away with family or friends. Accommodation that provides an array of services, plus sporting, cultural and outdoors activities nearby, will have the edge. Fishing requires specific facilities, of course, in particular a place to store, clean and dry gear, to keep bait, including live bait, and so on… Accommodation providers taking into account such requirements therefore do offer anglers significant benefits.
So, accommodation bearing an angling accreditation guarantees:
a fishing site close by that presents specific interest for fishing as well as good-quality environmental surrounds;
the provision of an adapted storage area at the accommodation (or in an annexe), including a storage area with separate access, secured with a locking facility (a lock or electronic badge system, etc);
a fridge in which to keep live bait;
an interior or exterior tap facilitating the rinsing of angling equipment;
specific information, including documentation relevant to fishing in the county of Eure (including a list of shops selling fishing equipment or fishing permits, a list of local fishing guides, local rules on fishing, information on AAPPMAs – local fishing associations – and maps of association fishing courses). Such documents and information are provided by the Fédération de pêche.
In the Eure, 16 accommodation providers have been accredited at time of writing (the list is included in the county fishing guide and on the website
Where to find a fishing guide or instructor in the Eure?
Extrême Fishing is the specialist in recreational or sport fishing in the Seine Valley: Nicolas Doudeuil is a professional instructor specialising in no kill. Aboard his boat, discover secret corners in which to fish for catfish, zander, pike and perch.
Extrême Fishing est le spécialiste de la pêche sportive en vallée de Seine : Nicolas Doudeuil est animateur professionnel et spécialiste du no kill. A bord de son bateau, vous découvrirez des coins secrets où pêcher silures, sandres, brochets et perches.
Fishing and protecting the aquatic environment in the Eure

Practising fishing in the Eure isn’t just about enjoying a leisure pursuit. By buying a fishing permit (carte de pêche), you join an Association Agréée de Pêche et de Protection du Milieu Aquatique (AAPPMA) and support its actions. With family or friends, or on your own, you need to respect fishing and waterway regulations, consulting official websites such as that for the Fédération de l’Eure pour la Pêche et la Protection du Milieu Aquatique ( In the guide to fishing in the Eure published every year, you’ll find information concerning how to buy your fishing permit, what types of fishing are allowed, and the full list of fishing sites and fishing reserves, plus the list of AAPPMAs across the Eure.
As well as managing the Eure’s association fishing, the county fishing federation works towards conserving our rivers’ fauna and restoring our rivers. In order to do this, it carries out stocktaking and studies, and the restoration of brooks and waterways.
The AAPPMAs oversee fishing courses and trails and participate in working to conserve the aquatic environment (with new layouts, the cleaning of courses and trails, the restoring of waterways and the like). In addition, you can learn to fish thanks to the AAPPMAs. A good number of Ateliers Pêche Nature (Fishing and Nature Workshops) are put on by the Eure’s fishing associations. The aim of these workshops is to teach respect for fish, to gain knowledge of practices and techniques for controlled capture and to understand the fragile nature of the aquatic environment, whatever the areas for fish and the sites for fishing, such as waterways or lakes…